New York

NYPD commish calls on cops to halt improper cannabis busts

Posted on September 23rd, 2011 by Global Ganja Report and tagged , , , , , .

New York CityPolice Commissioner Ray Kelly has issued an internal order to the New York City Police Department directing officers to stop making arresting for small quantities of marijuana, if the marijuana was never in public view. The directive, leaked to radio station WNYC, comes as the NYPD is under heat over alleged improper marijuana arrests.

NY Times editorial backs "humane" medical cannabis

Posted on July 30th, 2011 by Bill Weinberg and tagged , , , , , .

The New York Times on July 27 ran an editorial urging New York's Gov. Andrew Cuomo to follow the lead of New Jersey's Gov. Chris Christie and allow the seriously ill to self-medicate with cannabis. The editorial, dubbed "Sensible and Humane," is a good sign of more tolerant and enlightened attitudes reaching the mainstream—even on the traditionally more staid East Coast. The editorial reads:

New Yorkers don't know their rights, investigation finds

Posted on May 9th, 2011 by Global Ganja Report and tagged , , , , .

New York CityAn investigation by WNYC Radio into the New York Police Department's often illegal and racially discriminatory wave of arrests for misdemeanor cannabis possession finds that the police exploit citizens' ignorance of their rights. Out of the more than 50,000 arrests for possession in New York City last year, almost no one challenged the legality of the manner they were searched. And when the cases were thrown out—as many as 10 to 15 times every day in the Bronx alone—it was usually because police accidentally admitted they violated the rights of the person they searched.

NYC: 2010 cannabis arrests top 1978-96 total

Posted on February 17th, 2011 by Global Ganja Report and tagged , , , , .

New York City More people were arrested last year in New York City for cannabis possession than in the entire 19-year period from 1978 to 1996, according to an analysis released Feb. 11 by the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA), drawing on figures from the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services. In 2010—the sixth year in a row that possession arrests increased—50,383 were busted for low-level cannabis offenses.

New York-Florida arrests in Operation Green Venom

Posted on October 19th, 2010 by Bilbo and tagged , , , , , , , .

New York CityAfter a widely publicized series of raids from Florida to New York City, on Oct. 5 the US Attorney's Southern District Office in Manhattan "announced the unsealing of an Indictment charging ten individuals and a complaint charging 40 individuals with participating in a massive marijuana trafficking ring that transported ton-quantities of marijuana from Florida and California for distribution in the greater New York area from the early 1990's to 2010."

New York passes law banning "stop and frisk" database

Posted on July 19th, 2010 by Global Ganja Report and tagged , , , , .

New York CityNew York Gov. David Paterson on July 16 signed a bill prohibiting the retention of personal information on individuals detained by New York City police during a "stop and frisk" but ultimately not charged with a crime. The law was approved by the New York Assembly last month and will end the practice of police obtaining and keeping an electronic record of all individuals who are temporarily detained based on a police officer's reasonable suspicion.

Both New York gubernatorial candidates toked

Posted on June 25th, 2010 by Global Ganja Report and tagged , , .

cannabisNew York's two leading candidates for governor have come clean about their pot-smoking pasts. Democrat Andrew Cuomo and Republican Rick Lazio both confirmed June 23 they smoked marijuana in their youth, but say they never used any other illegal drugs. Independent candidate Carl Paladino says he has never used any illegal drugs, including marijuana. (WVIB, Buffalo, June 23)

Bail denied for Staten Island "cannabis king"

Posted on June 4th, 2010 by Global Ganja Report and tagged , , , .

New York CityJonathan Braun, 27, and looking more like a "skinny slacker from Staten Island" than the leader of an international drug-trafficking ring, was denied bail at a Brooklyn hearing June 3, with federal magistrate Viktor Pohorelsky saying, "The government has posited substantial evidence of Mr. Braun's involvement in this conspiracy, which involves huge amounts of marijuana and huge amounts of money."

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