
Provincial policy patchwork for Canadian cannabis

Posted on June 4th, 2018 by Global Ganja Report and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , .

CanadaWith Canada on a final one-month countdown to legal cannabis, the country's provinces are adopting widely varying regulation regimes, creating a "crazy quilt" policy patchwork. While Ontario and Quebec are opting for provincial government monopolies on retail sales, Alberta and Saskatchewan have embraced a private model, sparking a flood of canna-capital into these western provinces.

Cannabis enterprises enter stock exchange through reverse mergers

Posted on May 30th, 2018 by Global Ganja Report and tagged , , , , , , , , , , .

Shadow WatchWith US stock exchanges still almost entirely closed to cannabis businesses, the stateside industry is increasingly seeking access to the Canadian exchanges in order to secure investment. Taking over publicly traded Canadian firms through reverse mergers has emerged as the critical tactic in this endeavor.

Where will United States' biggest cannabis grow really be?

Posted on April 26th, 2018 by Global Ganja Report and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

Shadow WatchNew Mexico is the latest state to announce that it will play host to the biggest legal cannabis grow operation in the United States. But other claims to that title over the past years have still not panned out, and a facility in Arizona now occupies the number one slot. And as various states vie for the honor, Canada is far in the lead of its southern neighbor.

Toronto crackdown in countdown to Canadian legalization

Posted on March 14th, 2018 by Global Ganja Report and tagged , , , .

CanadaAnother dispensary is raided by police in Toronto—the latest in a string of such busts in the city over the past months, with some outlets even shut down. It's an irony that this crackdown comes as Canada is in its final countdown to legalization, and opens questions about whether there will be a place for independent dispensaries and small growers under the imminent new regulation regime.

Capitalist plot seen behind Canadian cannabis raids

Posted on March 13th, 2017 by Bill Weinberg and tagged , , , , , .

CanadaCanada's prince and princess of pot, activist-entrepreneurs Marc and Jodie Emery, have been charged with multiple trafficking-related counts, following the March 9 raids on their Cannabis Culture outlets in Vancouver, Toronto and Hamilton, Ont. CBC News reports that the duo face multiple charges including drug trafficking, possession for the purpose of trafficking and conspiracy. Jodie Emery reacted to the busts by calling out the Trudeau government for hypocrisy. She told Canada's Global News: "If this is legalization, then Justin Trudeau lied to the Canadian people. This is a new form of prohibition." Urging Candians to call Prime Minister Trudeau and "ask why we're seeing more people being harmed under our so-called legalization than we ever saw under [ex-PM] Stephen Harper's anti-marijuana poicies."

Raids on Cannabis Culture outlets across Canada

Posted on March 9th, 2017 by Global Ganja Report and tagged , , , .

CanadaPolice carried out raids on several Cannabis Culture outlets across Canada March 9, one day after the dispensary chain's founders, Marc and Jodie Emery, were arrested. As of press time, five Cannabis Culture locations have been raided in Toronto, and one in Hamilton, Ont., as well as the flagship location in Vancouver, BC. Canada's self-described "Prince of Pot" and his wife were taken into custody at Toronto's Pearson International Airport as they were about to depart for the cannabis expo Spannabis in Barcelona, the Vancouver Sun reports.

New round of dispensary raids in Toronto

Posted on June 24th, 2016 by Global Ganja Report and tagged , , , , , .

Canada Toronto police raided more cannabis dispensaries June 23—in a sequel to last month's "Project Claudia." Raids were reported on the Cannabis Culture and Canna Clinic dispensaries, both in the herb-friendly Yonge Street area. Police Chief Mark Saunders told reporters he believed search warrants were executed at four locations. Cannabis Culture is run by Canada's crusading activist couple Marc and Jody Emery, who had voiced defiance after the May raids. Marc Emery stated at the time: "We refuse to be bullied by police and unjust, harmful, discriminatory law enforcement."

Canada's Countdown to Cannabis Legalization


After nine years of Conservative rule, Canada's Liberal Party had a momentous election night on Oct. 19, gaining a majority of seats in Parliament and a new prime minister in Justin Trudeau. The handsome and charismatic son of Canada's most formative prime minister, Trudeau had worked as a school teacher in Vancouver before becoming a parliamentarian representing Quebec. He promised a new beginning in Canadian politics—and a break with the increasingly right-wing policies of his predecessor, Stephen Harper. It remains to be seen if he will able to follow through on his ambitious promises—including to legalize cannabis.

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  • Baba Israel
  • Karr Young
  • John Veit
  • YosephLeib
  • Peter Gorman